LUTH School of Nursing Exam Result & Interview Date [2024-2025]

When is  LUTH School of Nursing Exam Result & Interview Date [2024-2025] Out.

LUTH School of Nursing Exam Result & Interview Date [2024-2025] are open for qualified candidates to gain admission. The LUTH School of Nursing examination date, time, location, and instructions on how to access your results online are included below.. The Interview Date are for  qualified candidates who succeeded in the entrance exam.

Candidates who sat for the Entrance Examination are hereby advised to check their mobile numbers and email  to see their  result .All participants who wish to check their results may do so by following the instructions on this website.

STEPS to Check LUTH School of Nursing Exam Result [2024-2025]

The result can be accessed online using the luth school of nursing result checker portal. Simply follow the link below to check your result today.

  1. log in via
  2. Enter your application number in the required column.
  3. Click on ‘Get Result’ to access your exam score.

LUTH School of Nursing Interview Date [2024-2025]

  1.  log on to the  Portal via
  2. Enter your application number .
  3. Click on ‘Get Result’ to access your  interview date.
  4. print out the document.

LUTH School of Nursing Cut Off Mark 2024-2025

The management of LUTH School of Nursing has released the cut off mark for the 2024-2025. applicants are advised to go to the school portal to find more.

LUTH School of Nursing School Fees for 2024-2025

The school fees of newly admitted LUTH students can be found on the school  portal. Students can also go to the administrative block to confirm the fee.

Please leave a comment below if you are having trouble accessing the portal or checking your results, and we will fix the issue as soon as possible.


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